The government wants to give you the best advice from their "ombudsman(a government employee created by this legislation)" during your Doctor Visit. The democrats love this! The republicans do not! I do not want to have an extra person in my examination room advising my Doctor. I trust that my Doctor has educated himself and continues to educate himself on current best practices. I thought that was due dilligence for a Doctor. The Bill HR 3200 is over 1000 pages long and I only made it through 650 pages, but there was plenty of information and it really clued you into what the government really wants to do to you. During the hearings which was over 4 hours you learn the rediculous things that Democrats can say. Democrats are fully behind this legislation regardless of the debate of substantial facts that are within or left out of this Bill. The Democrats submitted amendments that would increase the spending of this trillion dollar bill even further and of course won because they had the majority of over 30 to 20. The Republicans continued to submit amendments that required specific definitions, such as No government employee or appointee shall dictate a providers practice, or to specifically define who is eligible for grant money, or can there be specification for requirements for people who wish to teach sexual education. Of course the republicans lost 20-30 on all their attempts to get some realism within this bill. This is a trillion dollar plus bill that the States will be forced to pay into. This bill also contains a statement which follows: " the provisions of this section shall preempt any law or regulation of a State or of a political subdivision of a State ". So are we throwing out the 10th Amendment of the Constitution so soon? Don't forget about who else is paying for this program. You! If you don't qualify for Medicaid or Medicare you will be paying for a public or private policy or you WILL be taxed. This bills also calls all taxpayers "Publicly Traded People". So at least they identify what they really think about us a the general public. If you don't pay and if your policy is not up to the government's standard you will have to be a compliance tax. $100 a day for individuals and anywhere from $1,000 to $10,0000 a day for businessess is some of the fees that accompany not paying or having a policy that is up to standard. You can also get fined $500,000 to $1,000,000 under this bill. The Secretary of Health and Human Services gets a broad range of power under this bill to do whatever they pretty much like. If the SOHSS wants to make a grant for people with only 1 big toe they have that power. This bill is a huge effort to aggregate more power to the executive branch to spent at whim. The United States Government is representing more and more a despotic government, where a person or group of persons force their will upon others. The Democratic Party is pushing abusive and controlling legislation without challenge based on the elected majority. How much can they spend in two years? Government officials should be looking to save the taxpayer money instead of creating more taxes for people. This bill is a fraud and the democratic party is a fraud. The people who came up with this bill are scumbags and all they want is your money, and they could not care whether you got coverage or not. I am still trying to figure out why this legislation is being debated in an energy and commerce committee. I am glad there were some Doctor's who were on this committee.
"Mr Chairman I'd like to call a roll call vote."
Quotes to live by:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." -Declaration of Independence
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." -MLK, Jr.
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." -MLK, Jr.
Internet Defense League
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Letter to NASA : Human Continuity
Response to NASA’s Spaceflight Committee request for Comments 07-20-2009
Human Continuity
By: Paul Michael Owens
July 23, 2009
It is impressive that NASA gives the opportunity to receive public comments on this very precious issue of Human Continuity. Human Continuity is hard to understand from a complex point of view. But from a simple point of view Human Continuity is plain as the planet we live on. The Homo Sapiens control the Earth. The Homo Sapiens can be defined by a set of traits that with minor variance quantitatively represent over 6 Billion living beings on Earth. Homo Sapiens come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. Homo Sapiens are Humans. Humans should not be bound by a planetary body. Humanity can be a positive Galactic and Universal force. Humans by nature fight to survive and will defend humanity at all costs. Humans should be prepared for any adversary big or small. Space is the only protection from a global catastrophic event. The ability to colonize another planetary body has to be the ultimate objective in any adventure into Space and any attempt to maintain humankind regardless of what planetary or space body they may reside. A continuous Space presence will gather further understanding of Space. Without researching, how can any understanding of Space be undertaken? We have to understand Space to be able to adapt to those conditions. Being able to travel through Space for a reasonable timeframe would require great speed. The Speed of Light is 186,000 miles per second. It takes over 4 years at the speed of light to get to Alpha Centauri or Proxima Centauri. There has to be a way to harness Space to allow us to flow through it quicker. Perhaps unlocking the secret of the light particle to understand how it moves so fast and replicate the particles surrounding energy of a light particle, perhaps the speed of light can be achieved and maybe go even faster! Thank you for the opportunity to answer the following questions:
1) What are the appropriate destinations and sequences of exploration for human exploration beyond LEO?
Low Earth Orbit can be defined by a specific distance directly north from the ground. Distance to other planetary bodies can also be defined. These definitions allow for many places to be included for appropriate destinations. We should attempt to achieve the following as destination points as well as milestone markers: (In this order of importance) Mars, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Titan, Pluto, Alpha Centauri, Crab Nebula, NGC 4414.
Achieving these milestones will bring Humans into a different class of Life. Once we can leave the Milky Way Galaxy and return within a lifetime we can call ourselves an Intergalactic Species.
2) What should be the mode of surface exploration (if any)?
Space Surface Exploration should be done with robotic vehicles and devices first. The study of macro solutions could expand the size capabilities of projects to result in faster research.
3) What is the strategy within the human space flight program for coordinating
Human and robotic exploration?
Robots should always go first. Caution should always be used in new situations. We should always be able to extract human exploration missions. Missions should include objectives that have maintained strategic safety scenarios. With the implantation of robots and robotic devices prior to human exploration it would ease adjustment with ready tools to complete mission objectives.
4) What are the assumed launch vehicle(s) to LEO (in terms of mass to orbit and shroud diameter?
Vehicles must be able to break orbit. Eventual Advanced Vehicles should be able to reach the speed of light. The F-22 is the ultimate fighter. The Air Force should be focusing on the next Space fighter or StarFighter. A StarFighter should be able to regularly reach 10,000 km with complete mobility and have the maneuverability of a F-35. No one wants to ride a bomb to get to space. If the LEO launch vehicle were made to be as easy to get on as the airplane a true space revolution could occur. If we could secure better space occupancy projects and combine that with an ease of travel into space there would be many jobs for people who did not have any other opportunity to work on even better Space Projects.
5) What are the options for in-space fuel/oxidizer storage and transfer?
Once a Space Station is established to be a working viable structure, there needs to be a development of a larger structure that can make bigger space-based structures that can be utilized for larger space projects. Tritium occurs naturally in space. Could Tritium be a new fuel source? Could there be other products naturally occurring in space that could be utilized for motion in space? These are questions that should be researched.
6) What is the role that space technology research and development will play?
R and D play an important role in increased acclimation of knowledge of space. Communication improvements in distance, clarity, and strength will allow for better rates for reliable information transfer. Are current computing abilities adequate enough to support thorough space research? Question drive technology. When we stop asking questions opportunities are lost to learn more about any environment. There still needs to be major advances in self contained living structures which are needed to maintain life in a controlled environment. Is it possible to create an even better spacesuit?
7) What is our strategy for engaging international partners in the development of the program?
Human Continuity is of the whole Human Race and goes beyond national borders. It is the general consensus of man to be able to understand what is beyond this planet and to answer the unasked questions. There are many explorers still around the Earth. Some continue to explore our Globe, but we should not allow a planetary body to restrict our use of Space. We should not allow national divisions deter engaging intelligence found in other countries. While we cannot be at war with any partner, we should strive to work with intelligence regardless of the nationality.
8) What is our strategy for engaging commercial entities?
Small business partnerships allow for area specific contractual agreements. NASA should be a self-sufficient organization, with major parts of NASA operations solely reliable to NASA itself. NASA also should understand that Space is now a commercial market and not just a government only playground. Commercial relationships will have to be undertaken. Examples are Russia’s selling of space travel, and Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic.
Human Continuity
By: Paul Michael Owens
July 23, 2009
It is impressive that NASA gives the opportunity to receive public comments on this very precious issue of Human Continuity. Human Continuity is hard to understand from a complex point of view. But from a simple point of view Human Continuity is plain as the planet we live on. The Homo Sapiens control the Earth. The Homo Sapiens can be defined by a set of traits that with minor variance quantitatively represent over 6 Billion living beings on Earth. Homo Sapiens come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. Homo Sapiens are Humans. Humans should not be bound by a planetary body. Humanity can be a positive Galactic and Universal force. Humans by nature fight to survive and will defend humanity at all costs. Humans should be prepared for any adversary big or small. Space is the only protection from a global catastrophic event. The ability to colonize another planetary body has to be the ultimate objective in any adventure into Space and any attempt to maintain humankind regardless of what planetary or space body they may reside. A continuous Space presence will gather further understanding of Space. Without researching, how can any understanding of Space be undertaken? We have to understand Space to be able to adapt to those conditions. Being able to travel through Space for a reasonable timeframe would require great speed. The Speed of Light is 186,000 miles per second. It takes over 4 years at the speed of light to get to Alpha Centauri or Proxima Centauri. There has to be a way to harness Space to allow us to flow through it quicker. Perhaps unlocking the secret of the light particle to understand how it moves so fast and replicate the particles surrounding energy of a light particle, perhaps the speed of light can be achieved and maybe go even faster! Thank you for the opportunity to answer the following questions:
1) What are the appropriate destinations and sequences of exploration for human exploration beyond LEO?
Low Earth Orbit can be defined by a specific distance directly north from the ground. Distance to other planetary bodies can also be defined. These definitions allow for many places to be included for appropriate destinations. We should attempt to achieve the following as destination points as well as milestone markers: (In this order of importance) Mars, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Titan, Pluto, Alpha Centauri, Crab Nebula, NGC 4414.
Achieving these milestones will bring Humans into a different class of Life. Once we can leave the Milky Way Galaxy and return within a lifetime we can call ourselves an Intergalactic Species.
2) What should be the mode of surface exploration (if any)?
Space Surface Exploration should be done with robotic vehicles and devices first. The study of macro solutions could expand the size capabilities of projects to result in faster research.
3) What is the strategy within the human space flight program for coordinating
Human and robotic exploration?
Robots should always go first. Caution should always be used in new situations. We should always be able to extract human exploration missions. Missions should include objectives that have maintained strategic safety scenarios. With the implantation of robots and robotic devices prior to human exploration it would ease adjustment with ready tools to complete mission objectives.
4) What are the assumed launch vehicle(s) to LEO (in terms of mass to orbit and shroud diameter?
Vehicles must be able to break orbit. Eventual Advanced Vehicles should be able to reach the speed of light. The F-22 is the ultimate fighter. The Air Force should be focusing on the next Space fighter or StarFighter. A StarFighter should be able to regularly reach 10,000 km with complete mobility and have the maneuverability of a F-35. No one wants to ride a bomb to get to space. If the LEO launch vehicle were made to be as easy to get on as the airplane a true space revolution could occur. If we could secure better space occupancy projects and combine that with an ease of travel into space there would be many jobs for people who did not have any other opportunity to work on even better Space Projects.
5) What are the options for in-space fuel/oxidizer storage and transfer?
Once a Space Station is established to be a working viable structure, there needs to be a development of a larger structure that can make bigger space-based structures that can be utilized for larger space projects. Tritium occurs naturally in space. Could Tritium be a new fuel source? Could there be other products naturally occurring in space that could be utilized for motion in space? These are questions that should be researched.
6) What is the role that space technology research and development will play?
R and D play an important role in increased acclimation of knowledge of space. Communication improvements in distance, clarity, and strength will allow for better rates for reliable information transfer. Are current computing abilities adequate enough to support thorough space research? Question drive technology. When we stop asking questions opportunities are lost to learn more about any environment. There still needs to be major advances in self contained living structures which are needed to maintain life in a controlled environment. Is it possible to create an even better spacesuit?
7) What is our strategy for engaging international partners in the development of the program?
Human Continuity is of the whole Human Race and goes beyond national borders. It is the general consensus of man to be able to understand what is beyond this planet and to answer the unasked questions. There are many explorers still around the Earth. Some continue to explore our Globe, but we should not allow a planetary body to restrict our use of Space. We should not allow national divisions deter engaging intelligence found in other countries. While we cannot be at war with any partner, we should strive to work with intelligence regardless of the nationality.
8) What is our strategy for engaging commercial entities?
Small business partnerships allow for area specific contractual agreements. NASA should be a self-sufficient organization, with major parts of NASA operations solely reliable to NASA itself. NASA also should understand that Space is now a commercial market and not just a government only playground. Commercial relationships will have to be undertaken. Examples are Russia’s selling of space travel, and Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Support HR 1207 - Letter to Congressman Miller (NC-13)
HR1207 is a bill introduced to audit the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is a unconstitutional organization that manipulates our money. The Federal Reserve should be abolished and the United States Treasury should be in charge of coining and maintaining our financial system. The Federal Reserve's Assets should be seized and used for the benefit of the American People, and all leaders of the Federal Reserve need to be put in jail for the rest of their lives and their assets seized and used for the benefit of the American people. For the over 260 cosponsors for HR 1207, District 13 of North Carolina Congressman Brad Miller did not cosponsor this bill. It is so unfortunately that we do not have a viable candidate for this position in our area. Brad Miller supports the banks and the banning of guns. Is this the kind of representative we want for us? Of course not. I cannot believe that we do not have someone in District 13 of NC that can run against him. I sent Congressman Miller the following letter in disgust of his actions:
Congressman Miller,
I find it very disturbing that you have not cosponsored Congressman Paul's HR 1207. The fact that you will not support HR 1207, and the fact that you supported the Bank Bailouts puts you in a group of Congressman that are not completing their duty to their constituents. The Federal Reserve is an Unconstitutional Organization. The Constitution specifies that the US GOVERNMENT has the power to coin money. I find it very concerning that the representive of the 13th district supports the destruction of this economy by not supporting adequate efforts to reel in the people who are truly behind this economic debacle. The shipping of jobs overseas and freewheeling efforts of the Federal Reserve to manipulate markets through currency production have direct relationships to the current economic crisis. It is your duty to defend the US Constitution and your constituents. By not supporting HR 1207 and supporting the Banks with the bailouts, you make your position clear.
Kind Regards,
Paul Michael Owens
***UPDATE : Response Received********
Dear Mr. Owens:
Thank you for contacting me regarding H.R. 1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act. I appreciate hearing from you.
The Federal Reserve Transparency Act would eliminate the current statutory prohibition on the Government Accountability Office's ability to audit Federal Reserve Banks of the United States. In addition, H.R. 1207 would subject the Federal Reserve's funding facilities, including the Primary Dealer Credit Facility, Term Securities Lending Facility, and Term Asset-Backed Securities Lending Facility to Congressional oversight.
The Federal Reserve Transparency Act has been referred to the House Committee on Financial Services for consideration. Should H.R. 1207 come before the Committee or the House for a vote, I assure you I will keep your views closely in mind.
Please contact me about other issues important to you. Thank you.
Brad Miller
Member of Congress
*********MY RESPONSE BACK***************
Dear Congressman Miller,
I appreciate your prompt response to this important issue. Let me clarify my harsh language in my prior message. I do respect the fact that you are definitely a hard working congressman. I unfortunately disagree with most of your policy and voting decisions. This specific issue of HR1207 which does reside in the finance committee, in which I have watched some of the testimony of the hearings, is very important. The Federal Reserve Act was passed in haste, like the prior Bank Bailout, back in 1913. I am glad at all the auditing and accountability that will ensue if this bill gets passed. I am so glad that over half of Congress has signed onto this bill in support of it. The Federal Reserve is a psuedo organization that manipulates our economy at will. The very LEAST that Congress can do is shove some oversight in the Fed's court. Presidents that have taken action against the Central Banking methods have received their demise. The only President to successfully demolish the Central Bank was Andrew Jackson. The only excuse that the Fed, through their VP's testimony, can come up with is transparency will inhibit debate. This is an unacceptable excuse. They are accountable to the American Public. They should not even be in existance, and I personally consider them criminals. They also know that transparency will also make the general public aware of their devious actions. The United States Constitution implicitly gives "We the People" the power to coin money. By giving this power back to the American people, and taking it from a private corporation who has been stealing money from the American People for almost 100 years, would signal to those who wish to rule in secret that America is still the land of the free and we will not be manipulated or threatened, which the Fed has made threats if this bill is passed, by a pseudo banking system. I hope that you will stand firm and respresent the people of America and not continue to represent the banks. I thank you for your time.
Kind Regards,
Paul Michael Owens
Congressman Miller,
I find it very disturbing that you have not cosponsored Congressman Paul's HR 1207. The fact that you will not support HR 1207, and the fact that you supported the Bank Bailouts puts you in a group of Congressman that are not completing their duty to their constituents. The Federal Reserve is an Unconstitutional Organization. The Constitution specifies that the US GOVERNMENT has the power to coin money. I find it very concerning that the representive of the 13th district supports the destruction of this economy by not supporting adequate efforts to reel in the people who are truly behind this economic debacle. The shipping of jobs overseas and freewheeling efforts of the Federal Reserve to manipulate markets through currency production have direct relationships to the current economic crisis. It is your duty to defend the US Constitution and your constituents. By not supporting HR 1207 and supporting the Banks with the bailouts, you make your position clear.
Kind Regards,
Paul Michael Owens
***UPDATE : Response Received********
Dear Mr. Owens:
Thank you for contacting me regarding H.R. 1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act. I appreciate hearing from you.
The Federal Reserve Transparency Act would eliminate the current statutory prohibition on the Government Accountability Office's ability to audit Federal Reserve Banks of the United States. In addition, H.R. 1207 would subject the Federal Reserve's funding facilities, including the Primary Dealer Credit Facility, Term Securities Lending Facility, and Term Asset-Backed Securities Lending Facility to Congressional oversight.
The Federal Reserve Transparency Act has been referred to the House Committee on Financial Services for consideration. Should H.R. 1207 come before the Committee or the House for a vote, I assure you I will keep your views closely in mind.
Please contact me about other issues important to you. Thank you.
Brad Miller
Member of Congress
*********MY RESPONSE BACK***************
Dear Congressman Miller,
I appreciate your prompt response to this important issue. Let me clarify my harsh language in my prior message. I do respect the fact that you are definitely a hard working congressman. I unfortunately disagree with most of your policy and voting decisions. This specific issue of HR1207 which does reside in the finance committee, in which I have watched some of the testimony of the hearings, is very important. The Federal Reserve Act was passed in haste, like the prior Bank Bailout, back in 1913. I am glad at all the auditing and accountability that will ensue if this bill gets passed. I am so glad that over half of Congress has signed onto this bill in support of it. The Federal Reserve is a psuedo organization that manipulates our economy at will. The very LEAST that Congress can do is shove some oversight in the Fed's court. Presidents that have taken action against the Central Banking methods have received their demise. The only President to successfully demolish the Central Bank was Andrew Jackson. The only excuse that the Fed, through their VP's testimony, can come up with is transparency will inhibit debate. This is an unacceptable excuse. They are accountable to the American Public. They should not even be in existance, and I personally consider them criminals. They also know that transparency will also make the general public aware of their devious actions. The United States Constitution implicitly gives "We the People" the power to coin money. By giving this power back to the American people, and taking it from a private corporation who has been stealing money from the American People for almost 100 years, would signal to those who wish to rule in secret that America is still the land of the free and we will not be manipulated or threatened, which the Fed has made threats if this bill is passed, by a pseudo banking system. I hope that you will stand firm and respresent the people of America and not continue to represent the banks. I thank you for your time.
Kind Regards,
Paul Michael Owens
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Fight HR 393 - Forced Servitude for ages 18-42
The disgusting Congressman Charles Rangel from New York introduced HR 393 in January 2007. It's unfortunate that 2 and half years later this bill has come to light. This is how shady Congressman can be. Especially this New York Congressman. His dispicable thoughts and even the audacity to introduce such a bill. This bill states that anyone aged 18 to 42 will have to work for the government. Forced Servitude is equivalent to Slavery! Read the Bill yourself:
HR 393:
To require all persons in the United States between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform national service, either as a member of the uniformed services or in civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, to authorize the induction of persons in the uniformed services during wartime to meet end-strength requirements of the uniformed services, to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make permanent the favorable treatment afforded combat pay under the earned income tax credit, and for other purposes.
Read the bill in its entirety at Thomas at Library of Congress - Search 110th Congress for HR 393
I wrote to Congressman Walter Jones(NC-3) who is a member of the Subcommittee of Military Personnel in which this Bill currently resides. It is unfortunate that you have to lie about your zipcode to contact a Congressman. You should be able to contact any Congressman who is handling an issue that is pertinant to the whole United States.
Read the Letter:
Congressman Jones,
Thank you for your service to our country. I am writing you with grave concern for HR 393 which currently resides in the subcommittee of Military Personnel. This bill was introduced by Congressman Rangel in January of 2007. This bill does not just need to die in your subcommittee, it needs to burn. The context of HR 393 is disgusting. Forced servitude should never be entertained in any Free Country. The sponsor and cosponsors of this bill are not true Americans. America will know the truth about this Bill and they will not be happy. I hold you accountable for destroying this bill and not allowing it to see the light of day. It is your duty to defend the US Constitution and uphold our values of the Freedom of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Have a good day.
Paul Michael Owens
HR 393:
To require all persons in the United States between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform national service, either as a member of the uniformed services or in civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, to authorize the induction of persons in the uniformed services during wartime to meet end-strength requirements of the uniformed services, to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make permanent the favorable treatment afforded combat pay under the earned income tax credit, and for other purposes.
Read the bill in its entirety at Thomas at Library of Congress - Search 110th Congress for HR 393
I wrote to Congressman Walter Jones(NC-3) who is a member of the Subcommittee of Military Personnel in which this Bill currently resides. It is unfortunate that you have to lie about your zipcode to contact a Congressman. You should be able to contact any Congressman who is handling an issue that is pertinant to the whole United States.
Read the Letter:
Congressman Jones,
Thank you for your service to our country. I am writing you with grave concern for HR 393 which currently resides in the subcommittee of Military Personnel. This bill was introduced by Congressman Rangel in January of 2007. This bill does not just need to die in your subcommittee, it needs to burn. The context of HR 393 is disgusting. Forced servitude should never be entertained in any Free Country. The sponsor and cosponsors of this bill are not true Americans. America will know the truth about this Bill and they will not be happy. I hold you accountable for destroying this bill and not allowing it to see the light of day. It is your duty to defend the US Constitution and uphold our values of the Freedom of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Have a good day.
Paul Michael Owens
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Remembering 9/11 - Controlled Demolitions destroyed the Twin Towers
Can you watch these videos? The truth has not been told. But it will be. The psuedo rise to power over a Nero type takeover will not stand in the United States. The media attempted to coat it, but at least they got live shots and live video that will tell the truth about this tragic situation. Remember those who give their lives for freedom. These videos were downloaded from Youtube. Search Youtube for 9/11, and spend some time thinking about your fellow Americans. 9/11 was an inside job! Some quick facts: Jet Fuel sponanteously combusts at around 210 degrees celsius and open air burns at around 288 degrees celsius. Steel slightly changes its chemical composition at around 700 degrees celsius and does not liquify until around right above 1400 degrees celsuis.
Firefighters tell their story:
If you can get over the dramatic opening and slide screens, this video has lots of live video.
Firefighters tell their story:
If you can get over the dramatic opening and slide screens, this video has lots of live video.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Tour de France 2009: Stage 4 Preview
Click here to order this Bike!
Looks like America is showing up strong in this years 2009 Tour de France. After Stage 3, the top 10 is wrapping up with Levi Leipheimer only 1 minute and 11 seconds back. The top 3 are separated by 40 seconds with Lance Armstrong in 3rd. With Tony Martin from Germany riding for Team Columbia an American based team only 33 seconds behind in second. They are all chasing Fabian Cancellara from Switzerland, riding for Team Saxo Bank. Stage Four will be exciting with a Team Trial in Montpellier. Team Astana which holds 4 out of the top 10 positions in the Tour de France is favoured to win this stage, which will put Lance Armstrong in the Yellow Jersey if that happens. With Cycling Racing there are many combinations that could factor in winning and that is what makes it exciting.
Click here to visit the Official Tour de France Website
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Letter to President Obama on Foreign Affairs

President Obama,
Thank you for the opportunity to contact you through this method. It is time that North Korea understands they will not be a nuclear power. It is the United States responsibility to lead the way in the destruction of North Korea's military installations and nuclear facilities. The rhetoric that Kim Jong Ill has been partaking is overwhelmingly aggressive. North Korea has been backing this rhetoric with subsequent missle launches. Now is the time for action. The United Nations and their resolutions are solely paper worthy. The United States should stand tall in this time of aggression by rouge countries. If the United Nations will not act, the United States should take the initiative. The United States should send a clear message to North Korea by launching its own ICBMs and Tomahawks making a clear difference in our launches by targeting North Korea's military installations and nuclear facilities. Once destroyed ,North Korea may realize that making threats to the United States will put their military in the position of sharpening swords instead of launching missles. I am also concerned with our sliding relationship with Russia. Also their joint push with China and now India to promote a global currency. National Sovereignty should not be infringed and this is a direct attack on our PSUEDO financial market. You know as well as I that giving the power of our finances back to the United States Treasury instead of the Private Corporation The Federal Reserve will lead you down a road that President John Fitzgerald Kennedy took. President Kennedy was the last President to effectively nullify the Fed. Remember that the Office of the President should not be manipulated by anything else than Freedom. It is your duty to protect the United States of America. Happy Fourth of July!
Kind Regards,
Paul Michael Owens
Friday, July 3, 2009
NASA's new ASTER Satellite Images
NASA says that the colors on this map are arbitrarily chosen by a computer color splicing program. Here I was thinking that it may be signs that the oceans were much higher at some point in the past. Take a closer look at the pictures above and below. Are they representing some prehistoric shelf?
NASA is doing a great job in space research. We definitely need more funding for these programs. It's great having Space Shuttle launches so close together. We should have a goal of daily space launches! All space enthusiasts still need to pay attention to Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic.
More Space Shuttle launches! Click Here to visit the NASA Website!!
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