Quotes to live by:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." -Declaration of Independence
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." -MLK, Jr.
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." -MLK, Jr.
Internet Defense League
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
The Religious Effect on Sudan
By the end of the 600s Islam had sliced its way down to Sudan. It was only recently founded at the time by a murdering child rapist named Mohammed in the mid 600s. If you did not want to follow Mohammed, he did not mind. He just killed you. Heads rolled, arms chopped off and the procession of marked violence marched on as Islam spread its way out of Medina and Mecca. Culture immediately changed as a combination of political and religious zealousness presented itself in the form of Islam. Islam believes that religion is the only way and politics are decided by religious leaders. This form of theocracy is alive and well still today with about 20 countries, with major countries like Turkey and Iran, running their government in this fashion. These countries are still cutting people’s heads off, limbs off, and oppressing people with gunfire as they protest against this barbaric type of government. They marched, massacred, raped, and pillaged their way down to the Sudan leaving only an oppressed society in its wake. As they overthrew, massacred, murdered, and persecuted the Christians and even non-religious peoples who they considered infidels, Islam continued to march from Medina and Mecca, where even today non-muslims are “Not Allowed to Enter”. Trade flourished as new paths were burned down because of the demand of the expansion of Islam. As the Middle East assimilated to this barbaric religion their population grew as they practiced pedophilia and sold their girls as young as age 6 to be married. Mohammed himself the leader of the cult of Islam married a 6 year old girl and consummated the marriage when the girl Aisha turned 9. It is unfortunate that currently 1.7 billion follow the rules of such a person; it just goes to show the weakness of some for the need of religion. The poor people of the Sudan were used to being mistreated as they had been subject to violence from the Ancient Egyptians and subject to the Pharaoh’s rules and then many other battles and rulers, and Islam and Christianity went back and forth throughout the years. Unfortunately for the Sudanese they have been subject to violence for several thousand years. Even today it is one of the most violent places in the world, with many cultural and ethnic genocides taking place. The people of Sudan continue to suffer under the guise of religious right. The people of Darfur have particularly been struggling against murder and rape by the Islamic leadership of Sudan. They are targeted simply because they are non-muslim. So even 1400 years after the first initial inception of Islam into Sudan they are still subject to the violent murderous ways of Islam. Unfortunately the people of Sudan have to be subjected to these types of radical governments because most people will not acknowledge these facts. The Sudanese are humans too and they have a right to live in peace and harmony along with everyone else in the world without prejudice to their religious or political views. The Sudanese have been subjected to the rule of Pharaohs, Kings, and Caliphs. These types of dictatorships have caused many lives lost throughout the whole history of Sudan. It has caused major population declines because not only of murders, but also because of the lack of technological advancement and common modern farming techniques cause starvation and famine in the land. Many people in the Sudan die of hunger every year. Many people in the Sudan die of malnutrition because there is not adequate enough variety in the diet. Many people die in the Sudan as human sacrifices because they are dying in the name of a religion who considers it an honor to kill infidels. Make no mistake that Islam is the main reason that the Sudan is in utter turmoil, and until the Sudan rids itself of the cancer that is Islam it will not be able to progress. Either that, or submit once again to the rule of something they do not agree with in the first place. It is unfortunate that areas of the world have to submit themselves to this type of genocide solely for standing firm in their beliefs and the refusal to submit to the rules of a murderous pedophile. It is sad that the world turns its blind eye to the plight of the Sudanese and specifically the people of Darfur who are being systematically killed for being from Africa and not submitting to Islam. The factors that played into the “unfortunate” expansion into Islam was the violent nature that Islam presented itself to in this end of 600 time period. I would never consider the expansion of Islam a success because of the absolute misleading and misrepresenting it does of itself. But just representative of the skewed logic of Muslims, the head of the Middle East Chair at the Brookings Institute, Akbar Ahmed, considered what the 19 hijackers did on September 11, 2001 a “success”.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Book Review : Siddhartha
The main focus of Siddhartha was his search for Nirvana. In the beginning when he w as younger he learned knowledge from everyone possible and still did not have the wisdom he desired. He learned there was a difference between knowledge and wisdom at a young age. Knowledge is something empirical about a subject matter and can be defined and a measured level of competence can be obtained. Wisdom is the reasoning behind behavior and knowledge. Wisdom is very hard to define and can mean multiple things to many people and therefore is hard to communicate. Siddhartha explains the difference of knowledge and wisdom with his actions throughout the story. He had understood the knowledge from everyone around him who included his father and other holy learned men, but still had some very wise unanswered questions such as where is god and the meaning of life and things of this nature. He desired to move forward in his life to find this wisdom and since no one else around him seemed to be able to give him the wisdom he desired he decided to leave home. He wanted to join a local group of monks who lived homeless, nomadic, and begged for food. His father did not approve, but Siddhartha held fast to his convictions even at that young age and stood in the same spot all night without moving until his father came to him at daybreak. His father understood his son’s passion and reluctantly asked that he come back and tell him how things are going in his life from time to time. He gained much knowledge through his time as monk, but finally after three years he could not learn any more knowledge that he could value from the monks. Soon after this realization his friend Govinda heard word of a wise or holy man who was called Buddha and it took no convincing for Siddhartha to go see him. Siddhartha finally came to the realization that he could not get the wisdom from the Buddha and went on giving up his search for wisdom and focusing on ordinary knowledge. He obtained worldly knowledge for a long while gaining many possessions but eventually came to the realization that he still desired the wisdom which was completely different from all the knowledge that he had obtained over the years. He decides to goto the river, fights suicidal thoughts, gets rescued by his old friend, and then becomes a ferryman apprentice. The master ferryman understands that he also cannot communicate the wisdom he has to Siddhartha, but does his best to lead Siddhartha to places and moments that he can come to his own epiphany or enlightenment. Siddhartha finally realizes and reaches Nirvana. You do not have to have knowledge to have wisdom. Although everyone has some sort of knowledge, not everyone has wisdom.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The Rouge MQ-8B unmanned Helicopter

This unmanned helicopter got lost down in Washington DC on September 2, 2010. By "lost" I mean it was uncontrolled for the amount of time it traveled 23 miles at 2000 feet. This is no small remote controlled helicopter now. This thing is 10 feet tall and 32 feet long. It is able to have up to a 600 pound payload and can carry a laser guiding system and also a camera from the looks of it. There are 168 of these lovely birds floating around the world. I'm sure some are hovering over your homes right now.
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