Dr. Paul,
Is your position strictly constitutionally? Do you support Health Care for people who can not afford it? I hate getting hustled out of a dollar, but also realize that people do need to make a living. Providing a product and service as a convenience needs to be rewarded. I do not mind paying my country to keep me safe from enemies foreign and domestic. I do not mind donating a little of my money to better the health of others either. I do not mind donating a little of my money to help people when they are down on their luck and need some assistance as long as it is not forever. What I do mind is that government wants to force me to give my money to corporations that should no longer be in existence due to bad business practices. I do mind that a government wants to control my health care to the manner in which I no longer choose how to receive and pay for it. I do mind a government that asks for tips on people who do not share the same opinion as others. I do not like that my government can hold a healthy debate. I do not like money being wasted for a life of convenience being paid out of my pocket as a taxpayer. The current lifestyle being held by members of Congress solely based on salary paid by taxpayers is unacceptable. This is the form of Government I expect to be representing me. I envy your constituents, because we have none of your kind that will run for office here. Dr. Paul, you are holding strong to Auditing the Federal Reserve, and continue this battle to the end. We can do much better economically when we are not paying interest on our currency. Do not let this minor distraction of Health Care deter you from getting HR 1207 passed. If you want Health Care changed, change the qualifications for Medicaid to everyone is covered that makes under $100,000 increased by family size with NO preconditions. The current Medicaid system has preconditions. Change this and Health Care is solved. Submit the Bill. See for yourself. You must be able to address all issues at all times. This Health Care Bill is for an organization that wishes to control Health Care in all ways. It cannot even partially be passed. Hold on strongly to your values. In about 2 years you will be even stronger if you can stand for all important issues at once. This Federal Reserve Issue will resolve itself once they are audited. Our currency should not be manipulated by a private organization that is out to make a profit. The truth makes it easy to speak. And you speak the truth. Thank you for your continued service to the constitution and for what it stands. May the Lord be with you.
Paul Michael Owens
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