The First Chinese to win the Nobel Peace prize is Liu Xiaobo. China is protesting this nomination because they consider Mr. Xaiobo a criminal for speaking out against the communist regime. China has called on countries to protest this nomination by not attending the ceremony. 19 countries have complied.

Russia tops the list of concern. I would think that Russia would stand with the United States in the support of a free society that allows free thinkers and people to have the ability to have the freedom of free speech. Prime Minister Putin should have had Larry King fly to his office to do a real live interview. I think we should allow Russia to plan the deployment of the missile defense system, it is more in their interest to protect themselves from Iran, who is also on this list. Some on the list are not surprising, but I do believe there are some on this list like Kazakhstan, who only recently gaining freedom should more than adequately understand the rights and freedoms granted to every human regardless of nationality. Columbia and Egypt pretend too much that they wish to appear as a Democracy, with Columbia far ahead of Egypt in the reality of elections, and Egypt is notorious for hiding the fact that it allows the continued persecution of Christians that live within their borders.
All of the countries not showing up:
1. Russia
2. Kazakhstan
3. China
4. Columbia
5. Egypt
6. Iraq
7. Morocco
8. Ukraine
9. Serbia
10. the Philippines
11. Tunisia
12. Cuba
13. Vietnam
14. Pakistan
15. Afghanistan
16. Venezuela
17. Sudan
18. Saudi Arabia
19. Iran
And Saudi Arabia, if you want the United States to be your proxy.... you need to drop the price of oil back to $1.00 a gallon levels or at least close to it; it'd probably have you higher on the list.