This game looks awesome. I was curious to see how they would improve over the Special Edition Godfather, and I think they will have a winner. The Godfather II looks like and sounds like it will be the next Open World Game to play. Scheduled for release in April 2009.
Goto the Website: Godfather II Home
Quotes to live by:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." -Declaration of Independence
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." -MLK, Jr.
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." -MLK, Jr.
Internet Defense League
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Islam's Prophet Muhammad was a Pedophile
From Jihad Watch's Robert Spencer:
"The collection of traditions of Muhammad that Muslims consider most reliable, Sahih Bukhari, affirms in no less than five places that Aisha was six when Muhammad took her and nine when he consummated the marriage (vol. 5, bk. 58, no. 234; vol. 5 bk. 58 no. 236; vol. 7 bk. 62 no. 64; vol. 7 bk. 62 no. 65; and vol. 7 bk. 62 no. 88). It is also in Sunan Abu Dawud (bk. 41 no. 4915), another of the Sahih Sittah, the six hadith collections Muslims accept as most reliable."
When you give your life for someone with such great character, it makes you wonder about all those who wish to revere a person with such morals and values. Remember Muhammad is the person that would kill you if you did not follow him. Oh wait, no he just had the people following him do it. You know... those Jihadists.
"The collection of traditions of Muhammad that Muslims consider most reliable, Sahih Bukhari, affirms in no less than five places that Aisha was six when Muhammad took her and nine when he consummated the marriage (vol. 5, bk. 58, no. 234; vol. 5 bk. 58 no. 236; vol. 7 bk. 62 no. 64; vol. 7 bk. 62 no. 65; and vol. 7 bk. 62 no. 88). It is also in Sunan Abu Dawud (bk. 41 no. 4915), another of the Sahih Sittah, the six hadith collections Muslims accept as most reliable."
When you give your life for someone with such great character, it makes you wonder about all those who wish to revere a person with such morals and values. Remember Muhammad is the person that would kill you if you did not follow him. Oh wait, no he just had the people following him do it. You know... those Jihadists.
Duke Basketball 2008-2009
The Duke Blue Devils finished out the season in the Sweet 16 of the National Championship. They were 30-7 giving Coach K more wins and gets him that much closer to be the winningest coach in College Basketball History. Bobby Knight is the current record holder with 906. It's unfortunate the way the season ended on the worst game of their season shooting less than 30%. Yes the defense of Villanova was good, but Duke could just not buy a basket. There were many wide open shots that just did not go in. Kyle Singler had a wide-open shot in the corner and it went 2/3rds of the way in and bounced out! I still stand by my premise that Coach should have played his freshman team a little more. This is evident with the tremendous explosion of Elliot Williams who continues to demonstrate his capabilities with that awesome dunk against Nova. This kid is going to be dangerous once he learns more control. I was disappointed in not being able to see Olek Czyz at all this year, and I think if Coach is not going to play freshman, he should not get such a large class. These kids can play, the NBA players they played against in the preseason attested to that. Next year is a big senior year, with Henderson, Scheyer, Zoubek, and Thomas all going to be seniors. What I saw from Plumlee this year, I think with a little more self-control he will be a factor. I think Kyle Singler is definitely only going to get tougher next year, and Duke will be making it just a little further in the tournament. My pick is always Duke to win it all, and each year they get closer and closer to making that accomplishment real. Why do you think Coach K wins back to back Championships? Because he knows how to recruit! I am proud of the guys in their effort this year, and am excited about next year! GO DUKE!
Tesla Model S - A *REAL* Electric Car

Tesla Motors has done it. They have created an electric car that is affordable, attractive, and FAST! The Tesla Model S is a breakthrough in science! My whole thing with electric cars was they were not attractive, nor affordable, nor very fast. Tesla actually has been doing very well with electric cars with their roadster model which has been out for awhile and been selling well according to their website. The Tesla Roadster is a sharp looking electric car which did 0-60 in under 4 seconds. The only thing was the $100,000 price tag, which is not affordable to your average buyer. It really looks neat almost kind of like a Lotus.

The Roadster may be great for some but now the Model S has now been developed. This is a very exciting development. I would actually purchase this car! It will not be available until 2012, but it only costs $50,000!!!! This is the average price for any decent car these days. And with all the government incentives(7500 from the federal government) it really becomes truely affordable. Finally an electric car that is affordable. Now not only is this car affordable it is fast! This sedan can go from 0-60 in <6 seconds! This is faster than most gasoline cars! It also can compare to the range of a gasoline powered car. If you have ever noticed you can go 300-400 miles on your tank of gas no matter what size of vehicle you have. Now, is this by design? Hmmm... but anyway, the Tesla Model S has a range around 300 miles, with a quick charge ability of 45 minutes. To top all these great stats, this car actually looks GOOD!

So take a look at all these cars at their website:
Telsa Motors
Sunday, March 15, 2009
The Obama Deception : Alex Jones' Documentary
This is another Jones documentary that does a very good job of telling you the facts on the campaign promises that were being said and what is actually already being done. The New World Order is no longer new. It is the American Century, and we are taking over the globe. I suspect that government business is about to ratchet up to a new level, and the State Department is going to be running full speed all year long. There are several points that could be argued for validity in this documentary but I'm not planning on going into that. It's almost two hours long, but it's mostly interesting and I think somewhat coerced. I think Alex is a little scared to walk up and confront these people like Luke does. Hey Rudy! Who told you about those towers??? Watch it here:
The Obama Deception on Google Video
The Obama Deception on Google Video
Letter to the House Financial Services Committee about HR 833
I think we need to have serious debate on HR 833, which currently resides in your committee. The crimes over the monopoly of the monetary system must be rectified. I believe this is the perfect opportunity to take control of our economy by putting the gold standard in effect. We must seize the federal reserve, claim all its assets, and liquidate it into gold. This will be the backing of the new dollar created by the United States Treasury only. A true Treasury note backed by gold will turn our economy around tremendously. Once the general public is made aware of this situation, I believe the fervor for the destruction of this banking monopoly will be irressistable. We must stage this with the passing of HR833, and taking the year to liqiudate the Federal Reserve's Assets. No Bank is bigger than America, no matter how global a corporation may be, America is stronger, and it's People will prevail. Do not bog HR 833 down in committee, debate this bill and put it on the floor for vote. We the People would like to see who is with the bankers, or who is with America!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Gun Safety - Woke Up This Morning and Got Myself a Gun!
************************************************************************************* DISCLAIMER!DISCLAIMER!DISCLAIMER!DISCLAIMER!DISCLAIMER!YES GUN SAFETY IS THIS IMPORTANT!!!DISCLAIMER!!!!!
Paul Michael Owens is not responsible for your actions with a firearm, always practice gun safety.
#1. Treat guns as if they are always loaded.
#2. Teach kids not to play with guns.
#3. Teach kids that guns are tools.
#4. Keep all firearms secured.
I sold guns legally for two years and my experience is that there are a lot of people scared of guns. There were people who knew they needed a gun for protection and were afraid to hold a gun in their hand. It is unfortunate that we need our wonderful law enforcement teams, but the fact is we do need them. In light of this stanglehold on the economy which is directly caused by every action of the Federal Reserve and the Rich Elite, we need to have our own guns for protection. You have a right to protect yourself, and it is one you should be exercising that right in these tight times. If you can remember history, The Great Depression held times of Gangsters and the Rich Elite. Ever since then the Rich Elite have been trying to strengthen and FURTHER their position in telling you that you are living a good life with one house and one car and some food in your fridge and for some that is all they need. Meanwhile, while you work your life for these things, they have four or five cars, three and four houses, and demanding our military to shuttle them around as well as their family. Look, stop being distracted by these trivial matters. Yes it is important to know that your government is abusing you the taxpayer, so start electing officials that will hold true to their word. Also, get your budget in order, and afford yourselves some protection. Even though the FBI reports that crime is down in 2008, I think that crime will steadily increase over the next few years. There is no economic saviour, nor economic solution other than job creation. Globalization is a fact, and that is exactly what we are experiencing now with this extreme job loss. You are not going to get around globalization, so you better get educated. People still need to be managed, and this is not a talent that is endowed to everybody. So the better you know a particular subject the more valuable you become, and you must do this by education. Pick your field and go with it. Get your gun, and know how to use it. You are going to have to protect yourself and your interests in the immediate future. I recommend the following tools if you are unsure:
For Immediate Individual Protection:
[Full View Unconcealed Protection]
Glock G21 .45ACP 13rd w/ Night Sights: 13 rounds of .45 caliber bullets should hold you enough time to keep a bear away to get back to your vehicle to call for backup for the gang headquarters you just exposed.

[Concealed Protection]
Smith and Wesson 325 .45ACP Night Guard: 6 rounds of potent power when your primary is out, or gets knocked away. Sometimes it pays to have a backup best friend. And sometimes it pays to have this is a private primary best friend. The .45ACP round will do serious damage with one shot.

For Home Protection:
[Home Protection - Handgun]
Smith and Wesson 325 .45ACP Thunder Ranch: 6 Rounds with the added accuracy of a 4" barrel and the option of adding extra visionary optics to assist in the targeting of the culprit. A revolver will always be there for you, especially when security is paramount.

[Home Protection - Rifle]
Olympic Arms K68 : This COST EFFECTIVE AMERICAN MADE tool will provide accuracy and knockdown power. The most effective bullet at 200 yards is the 6.8mm. This barrel is 16", and I thought the legal limit was 16.5", but I suppose that a manufacturer would know what they are doing. The collapsable stock and removed carry handle can make this tool versatile. The more rounds in a magazine the better. 20 or 30 is a great number for this caliber, but watch out for bigger number rounds capacities(40+) because logistics can bog you down.

[Home Protection - Shotgun]
Browning BPS Upland Special 16 Gauge is a great quality shotgun. This is almost the perfect gauge for anyone to use. A little more knockdown and power than a 20 gauge, and not quite the punch of a 12 gauge. That shotgun sound when you chamber a shell is all you need to frighten that home invader, but it is always good to be ready with some 00 Buckshot.

Remember always keep your firearms secure. Teach children to respect firearms. You would not give your 4 year old a circular saw to play with, would you?
Paul Michael Owens is not responsible for your actions with a firearm, always practice gun safety.
#1. Treat guns as if they are always loaded.
#2. Teach kids not to play with guns.
#3. Teach kids that guns are tools.
#4. Keep all firearms secured.
I sold guns legally for two years and my experience is that there are a lot of people scared of guns. There were people who knew they needed a gun for protection and were afraid to hold a gun in their hand. It is unfortunate that we need our wonderful law enforcement teams, but the fact is we do need them. In light of this stanglehold on the economy which is directly caused by every action of the Federal Reserve and the Rich Elite, we need to have our own guns for protection. You have a right to protect yourself, and it is one you should be exercising that right in these tight times. If you can remember history, The Great Depression held times of Gangsters and the Rich Elite. Ever since then the Rich Elite have been trying to strengthen and FURTHER their position in telling you that you are living a good life with one house and one car and some food in your fridge and for some that is all they need. Meanwhile, while you work your life for these things, they have four or five cars, three and four houses, and demanding our military to shuttle them around as well as their family. Look, stop being distracted by these trivial matters. Yes it is important to know that your government is abusing you the taxpayer, so start electing officials that will hold true to their word. Also, get your budget in order, and afford yourselves some protection. Even though the FBI reports that crime is down in 2008, I think that crime will steadily increase over the next few years. There is no economic saviour, nor economic solution other than job creation. Globalization is a fact, and that is exactly what we are experiencing now with this extreme job loss. You are not going to get around globalization, so you better get educated. People still need to be managed, and this is not a talent that is endowed to everybody. So the better you know a particular subject the more valuable you become, and you must do this by education. Pick your field and go with it. Get your gun, and know how to use it. You are going to have to protect yourself and your interests in the immediate future. I recommend the following tools if you are unsure:
For Immediate Individual Protection:
[Full View Unconcealed Protection]
Glock G21 .45ACP 13rd w/ Night Sights: 13 rounds of .45 caliber bullets should hold you enough time to keep a bear away to get back to your vehicle to call for backup for the gang headquarters you just exposed.
[Concealed Protection]
Smith and Wesson 325 .45ACP Night Guard: 6 rounds of potent power when your primary is out, or gets knocked away. Sometimes it pays to have a backup best friend. And sometimes it pays to have this is a private primary best friend. The .45ACP round will do serious damage with one shot.
For Home Protection:
[Home Protection - Handgun]
Smith and Wesson 325 .45ACP Thunder Ranch: 6 Rounds with the added accuracy of a 4" barrel and the option of adding extra visionary optics to assist in the targeting of the culprit. A revolver will always be there for you, especially when security is paramount.
[Home Protection - Rifle]
Olympic Arms K68 : This COST EFFECTIVE AMERICAN MADE tool will provide accuracy and knockdown power. The most effective bullet at 200 yards is the 6.8mm. This barrel is 16", and I thought the legal limit was 16.5", but I suppose that a manufacturer would know what they are doing. The collapsable stock and removed carry handle can make this tool versatile. The more rounds in a magazine the better. 20 or 30 is a great number for this caliber, but watch out for bigger number rounds capacities(40+) because logistics can bog you down.

[Home Protection - Shotgun]
Browning BPS Upland Special 16 Gauge is a great quality shotgun. This is almost the perfect gauge for anyone to use. A little more knockdown and power than a 20 gauge, and not quite the punch of a 12 gauge. That shotgun sound when you chamber a shell is all you need to frighten that home invader, but it is always good to be ready with some 00 Buckshot.

Remember always keep your firearms secure. Teach children to respect firearms. You would not give your 4 year old a circular saw to play with, would you?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Remembering Frank Sinatra (1915-1998)
Frank Sinatra was an icon of a century. Even in the 21st Century Frank is regarded as one of the originators of Pop and Pop Culture. I noticed a new album compilation being advertised and did a generic search on , and came upon which is just a great place to go if you are a Sinatra fan. I was introduced to Frank Sinatra's music at the age of 18 by Tim Daly, a hallmate on my freshman dorm at Hampden-Sydney College. Ever since I heard his music in full, I have been hooked, and still enjoy it to this day. The art of singing has not gone away, and I think it is an innate expression that will stay with the human race until the end of our reign. I have purchased his Reprise Album 4 times, because I am careless and misplace things, but that shows how awesome this album is. I don't think I can say that about any other artist. It's unfortunate that the type of entertainment Frank Sinatra brought around no longer exists in the mainstream culture. He and the Rat Pack made the 40s, 50s, and 60s the time to be in. The great ones will never be forgotten.
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