Paul Michael Owens is not responsible for your actions with a firearm, always practice gun safety.
#1. Treat guns as if they are always loaded.
#2. Teach kids not to play with guns.
#3. Teach kids that guns are tools.
#4. Keep all firearms secured.
I sold guns legally for two years and my experience is that there are a lot of people scared of guns. There were people who knew they needed a gun for protection and were afraid to hold a gun in their hand. It is unfortunate that we need our wonderful law enforcement teams, but the fact is we do need them. In light of this stanglehold on the economy which is directly caused by every action of the Federal Reserve and the Rich Elite, we need to have our own guns for protection. You have a right to protect yourself, and it is one you should be exercising that right in these tight times. If you can remember history, The Great Depression held times of Gangsters and the Rich Elite. Ever since then the Rich Elite have been trying to strengthen and FURTHER their position in telling you that you are living a good life with one house and one car and some food in your fridge and for some that is all they need. Meanwhile, while you work your life for these things, they have four or five cars, three and four houses, and demanding our military to shuttle them around as well as their family. Look, stop being distracted by these trivial matters. Yes it is important to know that your government is abusing you the taxpayer, so start electing officials that will hold true to their word. Also, get your budget in order, and afford yourselves some protection. Even though the FBI reports that crime is down in 2008, I think that crime will steadily increase over the next few years. There is no economic saviour, nor economic solution other than job creation. Globalization is a fact, and that is exactly what we are experiencing now with this extreme job loss. You are not going to get around globalization, so you better get educated. People still need to be managed, and this is not a talent that is endowed to everybody. So the better you know a particular subject the more valuable you become, and you must do this by education. Pick your field and go with it. Get your gun, and know how to use it. You are going to have to protect yourself and your interests in the immediate future. I recommend the following tools if you are unsure:
For Immediate Individual Protection:
[Full View Unconcealed Protection]
Glock G21 .45ACP 13rd w/ Night Sights: 13 rounds of .45 caliber bullets should hold you enough time to keep a bear away to get back to your vehicle to call for backup for the gang headquarters you just exposed.
[Concealed Protection]
Smith and Wesson 325 .45ACP Night Guard: 6 rounds of potent power when your primary is out, or gets knocked away. Sometimes it pays to have a backup best friend. And sometimes it pays to have this is a private primary best friend. The .45ACP round will do serious damage with one shot.
For Home Protection:
[Home Protection - Handgun]
Smith and Wesson 325 .45ACP Thunder Ranch: 6 Rounds with the added accuracy of a 4" barrel and the option of adding extra visionary optics to assist in the targeting of the culprit. A revolver will always be there for you, especially when security is paramount.
[Home Protection - Rifle]
Olympic Arms K68 : This COST EFFECTIVE AMERICAN MADE tool will provide accuracy and knockdown power. The most effective bullet at 200 yards is the 6.8mm. This barrel is 16", and I thought the legal limit was 16.5", but I suppose that a manufacturer would know what they are doing. The collapsable stock and removed carry handle can make this tool versatile. The more rounds in a magazine the better. 20 or 30 is a great number for this caliber, but watch out for bigger number rounds capacities(40+) because logistics can bog you down.

[Home Protection - Shotgun]
Browning BPS Upland Special 16 Gauge is a great quality shotgun. This is almost the perfect gauge for anyone to use. A little more knockdown and power than a 20 gauge, and not quite the punch of a 12 gauge. That shotgun sound when you chamber a shell is all you need to frighten that home invader, but it is always good to be ready with some 00 Buckshot.

Remember always keep your firearms secure. Teach children to respect firearms. You would not give your 4 year old a circular saw to play with, would you?
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