Quotes to live by:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." -Declaration of Independence

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." -MLK, Jr.

Liberty's Watch

Liberty's Watch
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Internet Defense League

Sunday, April 6, 2008

LooseChange- The Final Cut

This is a much watch video, if you want to have some hard evidence to support the theory that government was involved in 9-11. I am convinced that the public was withheld information, and we were lied to about the happenings about 9-11. Bush made obvious lies to the public portrayed in this video with actual clips, followed with the actual evidence. The biggest kicker of the whole idea that we were involved to me was proved by Rudy Guiliani statement that he was told that the towers were going to fall. As common knowledge is portrayed that the towers were supposed to withstand a hit from a Boeing 707, the biggest airplane of the time comparable to the plane that hit the trade centers. So, the fact that "someone" knew that they were going to fall seals the deal for me. Also the fact that Guiliani would not reveal who told him that also fuels the fire. Right before the first tower fell in one of the clips if you pause it and run it second by second you catch a big ball of flame suddenly appear in about 5 floors above the area that fell, like an explosion. The weight of the top tower caused the whole building to fall... but when the whole building fell on Building 3 and 6, they still stood. WTC 7 was an obvious demolition job. So, did Larry Silverstein who signed a 99 year lease on the WTC complex make ANY money from these buildings being destroyed? I think that is an issue that needs to be explored. In any regards I tried to post the whole video on my blog for the past 48 hours, and have been unsuccessful, so I have a link to the whole video.


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