Quotes to live by:
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." -MLK, Jr.
Internet Defense League
Monday, December 28, 2009
Election History from 12-28-2009
In 1956 we had a 93% turnout based on working age people, and in 2008 we only had an 85% turnout.
These percentages of course are less when people from the military and retired people added to the count.
The closer election battles lie in the 1800s with 1824 and 1876 standing out in the crowd.
Almost 7 billion people in the world. Where are we all going to go?
President Barack Obama: 2009 Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Sunday, November 15, 2009
NASA bombs the Moon!

Has NASA always been this busy? They are launching the most shuttle's I have ever noticed before. Other nation's should take notice that we can hit a trajectory several million miles away. NASA bombed the moon with it's rocket and hit almost precisely where it was aiming for. We can safely land objects on Mars, and play games with moons around Saturn and Jupiter. The real question is, are we going to take seriously the issue of being able to colonize other planetary bodies? This is what we really need to accomplish to usher in the "Space Age". If there were going to be a planetary catastrophic event, where would we go? The building blocks are there. There is water on the Moon and Mars! I'm sure there are plenty of people out there willing to go, just like people were ready to go to the "New World". We cannot forget to invest in our future through science, not only war.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Jim Traficant Speaks to American Free Press!

The controversial former Congressman Jim Traficant from Ohio who was railroaded by the government into a prison term gave a good lengthy and knowledgeable interview with American Free Press. This guy can tell you from experience how much of a problem a big central government can be. It was most interesting to find out that Ron Paul voted to expel Jim from the floor. I can totally agree with his tax policies and pretty much most everything he says, especially his beam me up comments! Find out more for yourself by downloading the following article:
Click Here!
Who knows... Traficant for President 2012! Down with Big Central Government! The Anti-Federalists are back!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Dale Junior goes for 7th Straight Most Popular Driver
Only Bill Elliot has more Most Popular Driver's in a row with 10, whose record still stands today as having 16 years of being NASCAR's most popular driver. I wish I could see more old races , but with NASCAR holding tight to the reigns on those videos we might never see them. They should post races for registered members to watch! Dale Junior has been winning the most popular driver since 2003, let's keep up the the trend by voting him back in 2009! Go here to register and vote! You can vote everyday!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Response to Brad Miller's Response to HealthCare
I appreciate the candor of your recent response to the Health Care issue at hand. I also appreciate the dilligence of your duty in your position. The only thing I wish you would pay attention to is the intentional encroachment of the federal position. I would like to qualify my remarks by stating that I have read the proposed HR 3200 and listened to hours, five plus, of this debate. Which I know the debate is continuing. Like the Constitution, Bills are living documents that are subjected to amendments. What I must impress on your Congressman Miller, is that this bills focus is to redirect financial compensation from the private sector to the government sector. Is this a concept that is hard to understand? I have questioned this to the media, and they "Have never thought of it that way." Are we trying to redirect money to the government or trying to really care about the health of all American's? I believe the health care bill under the salesmanship of the government is trying to coerce people to believe in something most congressman aren't even aware of. John Conyers admitted to the public that he can't understand 1000 page bills. We have an elite society, which includes 1.2% that makes more than $350,000, according to YOUR figures. So the rest of us that make all the money for the elite are busting our butts to make money for these people and you want to sit up there and tell a story about your grandma when 98.8% of American's make less than 350,000 which includes the 47 million who can't get healthcare because of the cost.That means that 3.3 million people make more than $350,000 dollars in America. Is it fair to make 3.3 million people bear the burden of 326.7 million people? You better believe it if those people made those 3.3 million people's wealth. The biggest problem I have with the bill is the forceful nature of it. If you do not comply you will be taxed immensely. $1000 a day if you are an individual if you are uninsured. $10000 a day if you are an employer. What decision would you make if you were faced with these fines. I think you are a bright man Congressman Miller. The problem you have is that you represent a bunch of bright people as well, and they can see through this forcing legislation down people's throats. Think before you speak, and think before you support legislation that is really a mask of an agenda that is way above your head. If we want to help people's health all we need to do merge Medicaid and Medicare and take out the stupid red tape and make everyone that makes under $350000 eligible with no preconditions. Problem Solved. It is that easy. You government officials just try to create so much red tape on purpose that causes real issues that need to be addressed immediately hard to deal with because if it is not complex it is not good. Stop with the BS and get with the real American Agenda of helping one another, treating your neighbors correctly, engaging in real conversations. The real reason that there is so much drama behind this health care reform is that 1.2% of America is trying to make the 98.8% of America comply with their wishes. Trust me, you need a larger majority.
Paul Michael Owens
Brad Miller's Response to Health Care Questions
Dear Mr. Owens:
Thank you for contacting me regarding health care reform. I appreciate hearing from you about this issue.
In America, we have the best health care in the world: the best doctors, the best hospitals, and the most sophisticated technology. Despite this, we spend twice as much on health care as other prosperous nations, and Americans don't live as long and aren't as healthy. Currently 47 million Americans are uninsured, which means they only have limited access to health care, and most Americans are at risk of losing their insurance if they get sick, lose their job, or get sick and lose their job. Health insurance reform is essential to ensuring coverage and controlling health care costs, now and in the future.
There are many misconceptions and much misinformation, some sincerely believed and some cynically spread for political advantage, about the bill that the House is now considering. I would like to discuss what I think are the most important parts of this bill, and to discuss what the bill will not do.
The cornerstone of the House health care bill is reforming the health insurance industry. This reform would require new regulation of health insurance that is no stricter than what most states require of car insurance. Regulation would include requiring insurance companies to cover anyone who applies, regardless of their medical history. It would prohibit companies from charging more if someone has a preexisting condition and ensure that basic benefits are included in every insurance policy so you don't find that you aren't covered once you get sick. The bill will also expand Medicaid to the lowest income people as well as help low wage workers buy basic health insurance. The goal of the House bill is to ensure affordable insurance coverage to all Americans.
This bill will preserve the employer-based health care system for 200 million Americans. For people who need to buy insurance, there would be a range of private and public options to help guarantee all Americans a choice of health care plans they can afford. The House reform bill will not raise the cost of health care or decrease quality of care. Currently families pay an enormous hidden cost of nearly $1,100 per year to provide care for the uninsured. The House proposal will eliminate this cost by expanding access to affordable care for all Americans. Additionally, the House proposal invests in reforms to contain the costs of health insurance overburdening businesses, families and the federal deficit. It does this without raising taxes on middle class Americans. Only 1.2% of Americans, those with family incomes of more than $350,000 a year, would see an increase in their taxes
Another misconception about the bill is that government bureaucrats will make end-of-life decisions for seniors. That claim is patently false. Under this bill, all end-of-life decisions will be made by you, in consultation with your doctor and family. The bill will now reimburse doctors for some of the time they spend discussing end-of-life decisions with their patients; this empowers older Americans to have their wishes observed, it does not take power away. My own 94-year-old mother has a "health care power of attorney," which she prepared after such a discussion with her doctor several years ago. It is a great comfort to my mother and her children that she calmly made important decisions for herself.
Finally, the bill does not allow health subsidies for anyone who is not a citizen or a legal resident.
The bill before the House of Representatives includes a "public option," a federally administered insurance plan, similar to Medicare that people could choose to enroll in. The public option is just that, an option. No one will be forced to sign up for the public option and no one will be automatically enrolled, even if they are getting federal assistance paying for their health insurance. Unless you receive health insurance through your employer, you will be able to go to a newly created health insurance "exchange," which will present available insurance policies in an understandable format. You could compare all or your insurance options on the exchange, public or private, and choose the one best for you and your family.
The public option would be a standard by which other insurance plans could be compared. If the public option's benefits are better and provided more cheaply, then private insurance plans will need to improve their benefits and costs in order to keep their customers. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the public option's competition with private insurance companies will save taxpayers $120 billion over ten years. I personally would choose the public option and will enroll in it if given the choice.
Finally, I know that many people are concerned about the bill's impact on small businesses. Our current health care system disadvantages individuals and small groups seeking health insurance. Small businesses stand to gain the most from health care reform. Most small business owners I talk to desperately want to provide their employees with decent, affordable health care. Unfortunately, they often just are not able to because the cost is prohibitive. In fact, 60 percent of America's uninsured are small business owners, their families and their workers. Under the House bill, small businesses will be able to purchase insurance through the exchange, significantly lowering the cost of insurance. Additionally, small businesses' with an average wage of $40,000 or less will qualify for tax credits for the cost of health insurance policies. Only companies with payrolls in excess of $500,000 will be required to provide health insurance or pay into a fund to help low-income workers buy their own.
Without health care reform the cost of our health care and health insurance will continue to grow, putting more strain on families and businesses and the number of uninsured will continue to rise. Fixing health care in America should be an economic and a moral priority.
I appreciate hearing from you about your position on health care reform. Please contact me about other issues important to you. Thank you.
Brad Miller
Member of Congress
Saturday, September 26, 2009
G20 Protests just not large enough
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
2010 Camaro Convertible - Spy Pic from Austrailia

All New Camaro Liquid Metal Cap-Chevy Mall

Thank you to the sleuths who snuck this picture out from Down Under, it's all over the net now. The news is saying 2nd Quarter 2011 or Summer 2011. That's great, we can wait. I'm thinking 2SS RS,Tan Top, Aqua Blue Metallic, Tan Interior, High Wing Spoiler, 6 Speed.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
State of our Government: Letter to Dr. Ron Paul

Dr. Paul,
Is your position strictly constitutionally? Do you support Health Care for people who can not afford it? I hate getting hustled out of a dollar, but also realize that people do need to make a living. Providing a product and service as a convenience needs to be rewarded. I do not mind paying my country to keep me safe from enemies foreign and domestic. I do not mind donating a little of my money to better the health of others either. I do not mind donating a little of my money to help people when they are down on their luck and need some assistance as long as it is not forever. What I do mind is that government wants to force me to give my money to corporations that should no longer be in existence due to bad business practices. I do mind that a government wants to control my health care to the manner in which I no longer choose how to receive and pay for it. I do mind a government that asks for tips on people who do not share the same opinion as others. I do not like that my government can hold a healthy debate. I do not like money being wasted for a life of convenience being paid out of my pocket as a taxpayer. The current lifestyle being held by members of Congress solely based on salary paid by taxpayers is unacceptable. This is the form of Government I expect to be representing me. I envy your constituents, because we have none of your kind that will run for office here. Dr. Paul, you are holding strong to Auditing the Federal Reserve, and continue this battle to the end. We can do much better economically when we are not paying interest on our currency. Do not let this minor distraction of Health Care deter you from getting HR 1207 passed. If you want Health Care changed, change the qualifications for Medicaid to everyone is covered that makes under $100,000 increased by family size with NO preconditions. The current Medicaid system has preconditions. Change this and Health Care is solved. Submit the Bill. See for yourself. You must be able to address all issues at all times. This Health Care Bill is for an organization that wishes to control Health Care in all ways. It cannot even partially be passed. Hold on strongly to your values. In about 2 years you will be even stronger if you can stand for all important issues at once. This Federal Reserve Issue will resolve itself once they are audited. Our currency should not be manipulated by a private organization that is out to make a profit. The truth makes it easy to speak. And you speak the truth. Thank you for your continued service to the constitution and for what it stands. May the Lord be with you.
Paul Michael Owens
Sunday, August 16, 2009
NASCAR: Michigan Aug. 16, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Letter to President Obama
I viewed some poor foreign relations played out while you were walking down the aisle with President Medvedev. I believe you should have confronted these gentlemen directly and asked them kindly if they had a problem and why they were not shaking your hand. Maybe you should invite them over to the Whitehouse for a glass of water. The Russians should definitely be our friends and miscommunication between our countries need to be corrected immediately. Our domestic relations are deeply intertwined with our foreign relationships. We must keep them in a positive direction. This Healthcare Reform can be corrected very easily and very quickly if you changed the application for medicaid to read: Anyone making $100,000 or less in a family of 3 qualifies. Present financial documentation to apply. No other disqualifiers. -- Erase all prior qualifications for the application, and immediately we will have a significant change in Health and Health Care in the United States. It is THAT easy. But of course why do something simple that you can change TOMORROW, when you can do something COMPLEX and create a brand new layer of tape to get Health Care. Perhaps you do not even know the qualifications for Medicaid? The system is in place, just fix it. The Health Care Insurance Industry needs to be trimmed. This would have an immediate affect on our economy. We already pay for Medicaid, just allow a lot more people utilize it and they won't have to pay their premiums anymore. They won't have to pay for Medicaid because they already do!! They will just the nominal co-pays. This would also put a positive revenue into the economy because people will not have to pay for their premiums and this could be an extra $500 a month for a lot of people. You could scribble out a few lines and put simple qualifications for Medicaid to allow for more of the working public could qualify, and you have an immediate correction in the market. It cannot get any clearer. Taking action is great, but let's do it intelligently. Have a great evening!
Paul Michael Owens
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Remember the Cab Driver at the Pentagon at 9/11? WOW
For more information goto: http://www.citizeninvestigationteam.com/
Just go ahead and watch this first:
The PentaCON - Smoking Gun
Then watch the whole video of the excerpt above here:
Lloyde England and his Taxi Cab : The Eye of the Storm
Congressman Larry McDonald and Flight KAL007 - Coincidence or Conspiracy?
To watch the Discovery Channel Special on Korean Flight 007 Click here! but remember the Discovery Channel really is not a factual based learning center as they make themselves about to be. The have spewed lots of propaganda about many incidents. The video will give you a general picture of what happened, but leaves MANY important unanswered questions. For instance, there is a Black Box and Cockpit Voice Recorder now available. Why were they off course? The Russian's interviewed stated that the pilot had flown South Korea's President and he should know the correct path. Was flight KAL007 the Sheep's Wool for the Wolves flying around it? Many unanswered questions... And the loss of a Patriot and an outspoken critic of the CFR and Trilateral Commission.
And they thought this was swept under the rug. Some people still care about the TRUTH!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Review of HR 3200 - Affordable Health Choices Act
"Mr Chairman I'd like to call a roll call vote."
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Letter to NASA : Human Continuity
Human Continuity
By: Paul Michael Owens
July 23, 2009
It is impressive that NASA gives the opportunity to receive public comments on this very precious issue of Human Continuity. Human Continuity is hard to understand from a complex point of view. But from a simple point of view Human Continuity is plain as the planet we live on. The Homo Sapiens control the Earth. The Homo Sapiens can be defined by a set of traits that with minor variance quantitatively represent over 6 Billion living beings on Earth. Homo Sapiens come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. Homo Sapiens are Humans. Humans should not be bound by a planetary body. Humanity can be a positive Galactic and Universal force. Humans by nature fight to survive and will defend humanity at all costs. Humans should be prepared for any adversary big or small. Space is the only protection from a global catastrophic event. The ability to colonize another planetary body has to be the ultimate objective in any adventure into Space and any attempt to maintain humankind regardless of what planetary or space body they may reside. A continuous Space presence will gather further understanding of Space. Without researching, how can any understanding of Space be undertaken? We have to understand Space to be able to adapt to those conditions. Being able to travel through Space for a reasonable timeframe would require great speed. The Speed of Light is 186,000 miles per second. It takes over 4 years at the speed of light to get to Alpha Centauri or Proxima Centauri. There has to be a way to harness Space to allow us to flow through it quicker. Perhaps unlocking the secret of the light particle to understand how it moves so fast and replicate the particles surrounding energy of a light particle, perhaps the speed of light can be achieved and maybe go even faster! Thank you for the opportunity to answer the following questions:
1) What are the appropriate destinations and sequences of exploration for human exploration beyond LEO?
Low Earth Orbit can be defined by a specific distance directly north from the ground. Distance to other planetary bodies can also be defined. These definitions allow for many places to be included for appropriate destinations. We should attempt to achieve the following as destination points as well as milestone markers: (In this order of importance) Mars, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Titan, Pluto, Alpha Centauri, Crab Nebula, NGC 4414.
Achieving these milestones will bring Humans into a different class of Life. Once we can leave the Milky Way Galaxy and return within a lifetime we can call ourselves an Intergalactic Species.
2) What should be the mode of surface exploration (if any)?
Space Surface Exploration should be done with robotic vehicles and devices first. The study of macro solutions could expand the size capabilities of projects to result in faster research.
3) What is the strategy within the human space flight program for coordinating
Human and robotic exploration?
Robots should always go first. Caution should always be used in new situations. We should always be able to extract human exploration missions. Missions should include objectives that have maintained strategic safety scenarios. With the implantation of robots and robotic devices prior to human exploration it would ease adjustment with ready tools to complete mission objectives.
4) What are the assumed launch vehicle(s) to LEO (in terms of mass to orbit and shroud diameter?
Vehicles must be able to break orbit. Eventual Advanced Vehicles should be able to reach the speed of light. The F-22 is the ultimate fighter. The Air Force should be focusing on the next Space fighter or StarFighter. A StarFighter should be able to regularly reach 10,000 km with complete mobility and have the maneuverability of a F-35. No one wants to ride a bomb to get to space. If the LEO launch vehicle were made to be as easy to get on as the airplane a true space revolution could occur. If we could secure better space occupancy projects and combine that with an ease of travel into space there would be many jobs for people who did not have any other opportunity to work on even better Space Projects.
5) What are the options for in-space fuel/oxidizer storage and transfer?
Once a Space Station is established to be a working viable structure, there needs to be a development of a larger structure that can make bigger space-based structures that can be utilized for larger space projects. Tritium occurs naturally in space. Could Tritium be a new fuel source? Could there be other products naturally occurring in space that could be utilized for motion in space? These are questions that should be researched.
6) What is the role that space technology research and development will play?
R and D play an important role in increased acclimation of knowledge of space. Communication improvements in distance, clarity, and strength will allow for better rates for reliable information transfer. Are current computing abilities adequate enough to support thorough space research? Question drive technology. When we stop asking questions opportunities are lost to learn more about any environment. There still needs to be major advances in self contained living structures which are needed to maintain life in a controlled environment. Is it possible to create an even better spacesuit?
7) What is our strategy for engaging international partners in the development of the program?
Human Continuity is of the whole Human Race and goes beyond national borders. It is the general consensus of man to be able to understand what is beyond this planet and to answer the unasked questions. There are many explorers still around the Earth. Some continue to explore our Globe, but we should not allow a planetary body to restrict our use of Space. We should not allow national divisions deter engaging intelligence found in other countries. While we cannot be at war with any partner, we should strive to work with intelligence regardless of the nationality.
8) What is our strategy for engaging commercial entities?
Small business partnerships allow for area specific contractual agreements. NASA should be a self-sufficient organization, with major parts of NASA operations solely reliable to NASA itself. NASA also should understand that Space is now a commercial market and not just a government only playground. Commercial relationships will have to be undertaken. Examples are Russia’s selling of space travel, and Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Support HR 1207 - Letter to Congressman Miller (NC-13)
Congressman Miller,
I find it very disturbing that you have not cosponsored Congressman Paul's HR 1207. The fact that you will not support HR 1207, and the fact that you supported the Bank Bailouts puts you in a group of Congressman that are not completing their duty to their constituents. The Federal Reserve is an Unconstitutional Organization. The Constitution specifies that the US GOVERNMENT has the power to coin money. I find it very concerning that the representive of the 13th district supports the destruction of this economy by not supporting adequate efforts to reel in the people who are truly behind this economic debacle. The shipping of jobs overseas and freewheeling efforts of the Federal Reserve to manipulate markets through currency production have direct relationships to the current economic crisis. It is your duty to defend the US Constitution and your constituents. By not supporting HR 1207 and supporting the Banks with the bailouts, you make your position clear.
Kind Regards,
Paul Michael Owens
***UPDATE : Response Received********
Dear Mr. Owens:
Thank you for contacting me regarding H.R. 1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act. I appreciate hearing from you.
The Federal Reserve Transparency Act would eliminate the current statutory prohibition on the Government Accountability Office's ability to audit Federal Reserve Banks of the United States. In addition, H.R. 1207 would subject the Federal Reserve's funding facilities, including the Primary Dealer Credit Facility, Term Securities Lending Facility, and Term Asset-Backed Securities Lending Facility to Congressional oversight.
The Federal Reserve Transparency Act has been referred to the House Committee on Financial Services for consideration. Should H.R. 1207 come before the Committee or the House for a vote, I assure you I will keep your views closely in mind.
Please contact me about other issues important to you. Thank you.
Brad Miller
Member of Congress
*********MY RESPONSE BACK***************
Dear Congressman Miller,
I appreciate your prompt response to this important issue. Let me clarify my harsh language in my prior message. I do respect the fact that you are definitely a hard working congressman. I unfortunately disagree with most of your policy and voting decisions. This specific issue of HR1207 which does reside in the finance committee, in which I have watched some of the testimony of the hearings, is very important. The Federal Reserve Act was passed in haste, like the prior Bank Bailout, back in 1913. I am glad at all the auditing and accountability that will ensue if this bill gets passed. I am so glad that over half of Congress has signed onto this bill in support of it. The Federal Reserve is a psuedo organization that manipulates our economy at will. The very LEAST that Congress can do is shove some oversight in the Fed's court. Presidents that have taken action against the Central Banking methods have received their demise. The only President to successfully demolish the Central Bank was Andrew Jackson. The only excuse that the Fed, through their VP's testimony, can come up with is transparency will inhibit debate. This is an unacceptable excuse. They are accountable to the American Public. They should not even be in existance, and I personally consider them criminals. They also know that transparency will also make the general public aware of their devious actions. The United States Constitution implicitly gives "We the People" the power to coin money. By giving this power back to the American people, and taking it from a private corporation who has been stealing money from the American People for almost 100 years, would signal to those who wish to rule in secret that America is still the land of the free and we will not be manipulated or threatened, which the Fed has made threats if this bill is passed, by a pseudo banking system. I hope that you will stand firm and respresent the people of America and not continue to represent the banks. I thank you for your time.
Kind Regards,
Paul Michael Owens
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Fight HR 393 - Forced Servitude for ages 18-42
HR 393:
To require all persons in the United States between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform national service, either as a member of the uniformed services or in civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, to authorize the induction of persons in the uniformed services during wartime to meet end-strength requirements of the uniformed services, to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make permanent the favorable treatment afforded combat pay under the earned income tax credit, and for other purposes.
Read the bill in its entirety at Thomas at Library of Congress - Search 110th Congress for HR 393
I wrote to Congressman Walter Jones(NC-3) who is a member of the Subcommittee of Military Personnel in which this Bill currently resides. It is unfortunate that you have to lie about your zipcode to contact a Congressman. You should be able to contact any Congressman who is handling an issue that is pertinant to the whole United States.
Read the Letter:
Congressman Jones,
Thank you for your service to our country. I am writing you with grave concern for HR 393 which currently resides in the subcommittee of Military Personnel. This bill was introduced by Congressman Rangel in January of 2007. This bill does not just need to die in your subcommittee, it needs to burn. The context of HR 393 is disgusting. Forced servitude should never be entertained in any Free Country. The sponsor and cosponsors of this bill are not true Americans. America will know the truth about this Bill and they will not be happy. I hold you accountable for destroying this bill and not allowing it to see the light of day. It is your duty to defend the US Constitution and uphold our values of the Freedom of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Have a good day.
Paul Michael Owens
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Remembering 9/11 - Controlled Demolitions destroyed the Twin Towers
Firefighters tell their story:
If you can get over the dramatic opening and slide screens, this video has lots of live video.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Tour de France 2009: Stage 4 Preview
Click here to order this Bike!
Looks like America is showing up strong in this years 2009 Tour de France. After Stage 3, the top 10 is wrapping up with Levi Leipheimer only 1 minute and 11 seconds back. The top 3 are separated by 40 seconds with Lance Armstrong in 3rd. With Tony Martin from Germany riding for Team Columbia an American based team only 33 seconds behind in second. They are all chasing Fabian Cancellara from Switzerland, riding for Team Saxo Bank. Stage Four will be exciting with a Team Trial in Montpellier. Team Astana which holds 4 out of the top 10 positions in the Tour de France is favoured to win this stage, which will put Lance Armstrong in the Yellow Jersey if that happens. With Cycling Racing there are many combinations that could factor in winning and that is what makes it exciting.
Click here to visit the Official Tour de France Website
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Letter to President Obama on Foreign Affairs

President Obama,
Thank you for the opportunity to contact you through this method. It is time that North Korea understands they will not be a nuclear power. It is the United States responsibility to lead the way in the destruction of North Korea's military installations and nuclear facilities. The rhetoric that Kim Jong Ill has been partaking is overwhelmingly aggressive. North Korea has been backing this rhetoric with subsequent missle launches. Now is the time for action. The United Nations and their resolutions are solely paper worthy. The United States should stand tall in this time of aggression by rouge countries. If the United Nations will not act, the United States should take the initiative. The United States should send a clear message to North Korea by launching its own ICBMs and Tomahawks making a clear difference in our launches by targeting North Korea's military installations and nuclear facilities. Once destroyed ,North Korea may realize that making threats to the United States will put their military in the position of sharpening swords instead of launching missles. I am also concerned with our sliding relationship with Russia. Also their joint push with China and now India to promote a global currency. National Sovereignty should not be infringed and this is a direct attack on our PSUEDO financial market. You know as well as I that giving the power of our finances back to the United States Treasury instead of the Private Corporation The Federal Reserve will lead you down a road that President John Fitzgerald Kennedy took. President Kennedy was the last President to effectively nullify the Fed. Remember that the Office of the President should not be manipulated by anything else than Freedom. It is your duty to protect the United States of America. Happy Fourth of July!
Kind Regards,
Paul Michael Owens
Friday, July 3, 2009
NASA's new ASTER Satellite Images
NASA says that the colors on this map are arbitrarily chosen by a computer color splicing program. Here I was thinking that it may be signs that the oceans were much higher at some point in the past. Take a closer look at the pictures above and below. Are they representing some prehistoric shelf?
NASA is doing a great job in space research. We definitely need more funding for these programs. It's great having Space Shuttle launches so close together. We should have a goal of daily space launches! All space enthusiasts still need to pay attention to Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic.
More Space Shuttle launches! Click Here to visit the NASA Website!!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The People of Iran : 1st Amendment Exercises
Monday, June 8, 2009
When is a Conspiracy not a Theory? When it's Watergate! --- Book Review : All the President's Men

Everyone knows something about Watergate, whether it was some guys breaking into someplace, or it's the reason why Nixon resigned, but the whole story can not be expressed better than by the investigators themselves. This type of investigative journalism has no match in the modern era. The press is now a shill of the American Government. The Fourth Arm of the Checks and Balances that maintain a public eye on our public servants no longer act with the tenacity and intelligence that Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward did. As always you can not generalize about a whole genre of anything, with people like Jim Tucker, from American Free Press, still searching for the true elite of the World. This book makes you feel like you are running with Carl and Bob through their adventures and conversations obtaining the stories that indicated a cover-up that went all the way to the President of the United States of America. A reporters role was made more significant through the efforts of hard investigating mimicking the intelligence of the FBI. This book is a great spotlight on a brief period of history that has openly tarnished the Office of the Presidency, even though many after Nixon are adding their own coat of Tarnish. Great Book, Great Read.
Buy the book:Click Here to Buy from AMAZON
Thursday, May 21, 2009
June 4th to July 4th The Can from China --- STAND UP FOR LIBERTY!

My Nana forwarded My Wife this email that makes sense, as both My Wife and Nana always do.
Wake Up America! Liberty is calling! Freedom will ring once again! If you wish to pass this on Copy and Paste the message between the asteriks into an email and forward to everyone you know.
The Can from China:
Are we Americans as dumb as we appear --- or --- is it that we just do not think? While the Chinese, knowingly and intentionally, export inferior and even toxic products and dangerous toys and goods to be sold in American markets, the media wrings its hands and criticizes the ex-Bush Administration for perceived errors. Yet 70% of Americans believe that the trading privileges afforded to the Chinese should be suspended.
0h Well, duh..why do you need the government to suspend trading privileges?
Simply look on the bottom of every product you buy, and if it says 'Made in China' or 'PRC' (and that now includes Hong Kong), simply choose another product, or none at all. You will be amazed at how dependent you are on Chinese products, and you will be equally amazed at what you can do without.
Who needs plastic eggs to celebrate Easter? If you must have eggs, use real ones and benefit some American farmer. Easter is just an example, the point is do not wait for the government to act. Just go ahead and assume control on your own.
If 200 million Americans refuse to buy just $20 each of Chinese goods, that's a billion dollar trade imbalance resolved in our favor...FAST!!The downside? Some American businesses will feel a temporary pinch from having foreign stockpiles of inventory. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
The solution? Let's give them fair warning and send our own message. Most of the people who have been reading about this matter are planning on implementing this on June 4, and continue it until July 4. That is only one month of trading losses, but it will hit the Chinese for 1/12th of the total, or 8%, of their American exports. Then they will at least have to ask themselves if the benefits of their arrogance and lawlessness were worth it.
Remember, June 4 to July 4.
Send this to everybody you know. Let's show them that we are Americans and NOBODY can take us for granted. If we can't live without cheap Chinese goods for one month out of our lives, WE DESERVE WHAT WE GET!
Pass it on, America
If you are interested in Liberty visit Campaign For Liberty!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
YouTube Bans Video Music
This is a great video that will help you reveal your emotions.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Michael Savage and Robert Spencer Talk Free Speech
Monday, May 18, 2009
Al Gore is "The Liar" for Global Warming

Al Gore is a Liar. He spews political garbage about Global Warming due to humans, which is a farce. The Earth's temperature is mostly related to its position to the Sun and the Sun's activity. His agenda mainly includes getting a "Carbon Tax" on the globe to solve this human generated problem. His pseudo science is put to a rest by a Mr. Christopher Monckton who very scientifically sticks his foot up Al's rearend. Al "The Liar" Gore who wants to tax the world won't debate anyone face to face on the issue, but uses a newspaper medium for rebuttals. If you want a good scientific rebuttal to Al "Psuedo(false) Scientist" Gore download the following link:
Al "The Liar" Gore's Debate on Global Warming
Sunday, May 10, 2009
NASCAR: Darlington Southern 500

Like the Car? Order it by clicking here.
Man, what a long race. Another poor finish for the 88 Team. They hung around the Top 20 for most of the race, with some pit strategy to get them in the Top 10 a few times, but they couldn't stick there, and slipped back to the top 20, until spinning and wrecking went on. Congratulations to Mark Martin. This was an exciting race, and I believe they topped the record of the number of cautions in the race. I was very happy that they did not throw the caution just because someone spun. There were many times where the announcers were like.. huh, no caution. But, no one was affected but the spinning driver. Looks like this is the beginning of a long year for Junior, there are plenty of races to get back up to the top.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
What's in your Bread?
1. Whole Wheat Flour - powdery substance formed from ground wheat grain, good source of protein and fibre.
2. Water - good ole two hydrogens and one oxygen. Is it purified?
3. Sugar - Source of Carbohydrates. Combination of Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Carbon.
4. Wheat Gluten - sticky part of the wheat dough when all the starch is washed out. Substitute for soybean to keep the product sticking together.
5. Soybean Oil - Soybean oil is made by cracking the soybean and rolling it into flakes and extracting it with HEXANE.
!READ THIS ABOUT HEXANE! - Common constituents of gasoline and glues used for shoes, leather products, and roofing. Additionally, it is used in solvents to extract oils for cooking and as a cleansing agent for shoe, furniture and textile manufacturing. In laboratories, hexane is used to extract oil and grease from water and soil before determination by gravimetric analysis or gas chromatography. Hexane is produced by the refining of crude oil.The acute toxicity of hexane is relatively low, although it is a mild anesthetic. Inhalation of high concentrations produces first a state of mild euphoria, followed by somnolence with headaches and nausea. For more info CLICK HERE!
6. Yeast: A micro-organisms(they are alive at some point) that turns sugar into carbon dioxide, which makes the bread rise. As the bread rises does the gas escape? Makes you think about bread with no yeast or unleavened/flat bread
7. Wheat Bran: part of the grain that contains fibre and omegas.
8. Salt: Table Salt is refined salt, which is not only NaCL, Sodium Chloride, which IS used by the body to regulate the water in the body. But it is usually refined with sodium silicoaluminate or magnesium carbonate. Silicon? Aluminium?
9. Monoglycerides - an alcohol based chemical that helps with the mixing of oil and water.
10. Diglycerides - an alcohol based chemical that helps with the mixing of oil and water.
11. Calcium Propionate - the calcium salt of propionic acid. This is used to reduce mold within the bread.
12. Datem - Chemical compound that helps with the mixing of oil and water.
13. Monocalcium Phosphate - A chemical compound that assists in the leavening of bread.
14. Grain Vinegar - Alcohol dirivative that is made from wheat.
15. Calcium Sulfate - a chemical compound made from gypsum and anhydrite. This chemical compound is used in drywall, chalk, and casting materials for broken bones.
16. Ethoxlyated monoglycerides - Chemical Compound used in making oil and water soluable.
17. Ethoxlyated diglycerides - Chemical Compound used in making oil and water soluable.
18. Soy Lecithin - Chemical that is removed from Soy using HEXANE.
19. Azodicarbonamide - Used as a flour bleaching agent. It reacts with flour and turns into urea(what's in urine). Too hard to believe?! Click Here!
Is there any bread out there made without all these chemicals??
Friday, May 8, 2009
Update North Carolina Boy Ashton Lundeby,16 in Secret Court System
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Letter to NC US Senators in regard to Patriot Act abuses in the Case of Ashton Lundeby.
I am writing in regards to an abuse that the Federal Government is taking in relation to the Patriot Act. On April 29th, WRAL TV 5 reported a story where 9 FBI agents and 3 State Troopers came to a house in Granville County, NC and took 16 year old Ashton Lundeby into custody on March 5th at 10pm. Their reasoning for this was because a bomb threat had been made from their home, based on an IP Address Trace, on February 15. In addition to this disgusting "seizure" that the Federal Government has made on a minor, it has been made difficult for the mother to communicate with him. This young man has been held in custody for 60 days in Indiana without any Due Process. This is a gross abuse of power by the Federal Government. It is up to you to
hold the government accountable for its actions. It is up to you to rectify this situation. The Constitution SHOULD be the highest law of the land, yet it seems the Patriot Act supercedes individual rights granted by the United States Constitution. Benjamin Franklin said it best,"They who give up liberty for temporary securities deserve neither." There needs to be serious discussion about the Patriot Act. Situations like these should never occur in our society. Mr. Lundeby has a right to confront his accusors in a court in a speedy manner. 60 days is unacceptable to keep a minor in custody without any rights especially without communication with his parents. I call upon you to do your civic duty and put this matter in the forefront
and get this young man some justice.
Paul Michael Owens
Are you ready?? Read this post I wrote back in June of 2008 Click here!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
North Carolina Boy Seized under the Patriot Act
Follow the link to watch the story for yourself:
WRAL TV 5 Patriot Act Story
After watching this i'm sure you would like to do something. Your North Carolina United States Senators are Richard Burr and Kay Hagan. Write to them in an email telling them your disgust in this abuse of power that the Federal Government is purporting on its own citizens. Tell them how you expect them to become very vocal on this issue, and do what it takes to get this boy some justice. Only after Due Process will anyone be able to render judgement on the situation. Due Process cannot be ascertained if a citizen is not allowed to speak in defense of hisself. A citizen has a right to a speedy trial. We need to define speedy. I believe speedy is immediately after charges are brought forth. We should not be holding citizens without counsel ever. Write your Senators! If you are unsure what to say, I will copy my letter as an update!
Click Here!! It's time to write your Senators!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Tour de France 2009, Starts July 4th

Click here to order this awesome hat!
Lance Armstrong is back! After breaking a collarbone this year Lance has already taken to racing again. Here comes Tour de France with a start date of July 4th, 2009. What a great day to celebrate by having an American win the Individual Time in Monaco. There will be many opportunities to accomplish this mission with two American Teams on the Roster for the 2009 Tour de France: Team Columbia and Garmin-Slipsteam. I think both teams will be talked about by Phil Liggett on the OLN, or whatever you call it channel now... Versus? As long as there is a channel that carries the Tour de France, I dont care what you call it. Bob Roll is a great analyst who jumps right in and asks the tough questions you expect from a journalist and past racer. I hope more support comes on the Tour for the Astana team. I believe Astana is going to be winnning stages and wearing yellow jerseys and its not going to be a definite one person. I am curious to see Lance Armstrong's ability for winning after being gone for so long. The team is stacked with Lance Armstrong and Levi Leipheimer. But don't forget about George Hincape, experience is great, the force is strong within his Team Columbia. The Astana team also has Mr. Contador who can pose a big threat at any time for anyone in ther race. This year will be an exciting race with many participants capable of winning. Not to mention that Lance Armstrong is back! Go USA!
Monday, April 27, 2009
April 26, 2009 - Talladega: Drivers have Harsh words for NASCAR.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
The Silent Sun

The Sun has been very silent for the past 6 months with one small sunspot that lasted for 3 days in the month of April. This is according to NASA and according to NOAA. There is no sunspot activity as of today April 26,2009. This is a grand phenomenom that is occuring with little media attention. Al "The Crook" Gore has been testifying in front of Congress about Global Warming. This farce is definitely getting pushed to the forefront. There has been talk of global cooling, and not global warming, as the liar Al Gore is attempting to push. Al Gore only wants to implement the Carbon Tax, a Global Tax on an ELEMENT. When the ELEMENTS are taxed, what is left? Are we going to wait for a "Photon Tax"?!? Wake up! It was warmer in the 1500s than it is today. Look it up. Get to know the temperature of the Earth. If you watch it for any length of time you will understand that the temperature of the Earth is directly related to the distance of the Earth to the Sun, and the activity on the Sun. Not Carbon. We should understand Carbon reactions as to better understand how they react in all situations. It seems as if carbon is the one of the building blocks of life. To effectively continue life, you must know what gives life its push to the front.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
In 2006, the Russian's Dedicate a Monument in honor of 9-11
The Russian's have not forgotten one of the greatest tradegies in American History. They created a unique monument and brought it over to the US with very little media coverage. We thought Bush and Putin had a good relationship, and most likely taken advantage of the good publicity this would show in the relationship of our countries. I think all people are human, we just look different. The ideals that we are taught growing up make who we are today. I do not see anything wrong with bringing people up to love peace and each other as humans who all look a little different. The truth will be told about 9-11 and there are many American's who will never rest until the truth is told.
Official Russian 9-11 Monument Website
Click on the following link to download the Powerpoint Presentation:
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Letter to the Department of Homland Security - "Citizenship Grant Program"
I am a permanent resident that immigrated LEGALLY from the United Kingdom in 1983. I was born in 1978. I find it enthralling that people are going to get "grants" for citizenship in the amount of 1.2 million dollars. Unfortunately the process falls short when this "grant" will be seperated into 12 awards of $100,000 dollars for "programs". I believe this is a beaurocratic way of spreading the wealth while not accepting the fact that there are many LEGAL Permanent Residents who would love to obtain American Citizenship, but cannot afford the basic cost. Why not use some common sense when thinking about policy? Why not accept applications from individuals who cannot afford the $700 citizenship fee, but can demonstrate superior knowledge of American History, and respects and loves the United States Constitution? A person who works hard for a living and continues his education until he has the ability to pursue the finer American things in life. I believe the giving away of financial assistance to "programs" will not even get close to the 1700 American Prospectives that 1.2 Millions dollars would provide an American Citizenship Scholarship for. Thank you for your time.
Paul Michael Owens
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Letter to Congressman Ron Paul : The Republican Call
I read your book about The Revolution: A Manifesto. I think the time has come to make a strong effort in retaking control of this country. I applaud your efforts with the Campaign for Liberty, and I hope that your message comes straight from the heart for all Americans. I have noticed Rick Perry(G-TX) and Mark Sanford (G-SC) speaking out against this atrocity that is going on in our current Administration with the gross manipulation of money with the bailouts. I have not seen the outspoken Ron Paul I admired during the election, with his tenacity and ability to educate people just by speaking the truth. Unfortunately I was too late to assist your campaign, but if your values hold true, I feel that you are a key link in asserting the American right of being a Republic. I really did not believe in Bobby Jindal (G-LA)when he spoke, although I did agree with his message after the State of the Union. There is obviously some incongruency there, perhaps his lack of action during Katrina. This is the main problem today not a lot of action on great ideas. There should never be a time when we are not loud and vocal about our beliefs. There should never be a time when we are afraid of confrontation. There should never be a time again, when we allow the grevious overstepping of boundries that the past 150 years has been subjected to by our Federal Government. Let this election cycle be full of education. Let this election cycle prove what we as Americans are.
Paul Michael Owens
Sunday, April 5, 2009
9/11 - Thermate Chemicals found in WTC dust
1)Volume 2 (Year 2009)
2)Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe
You will also venture out to search for the truth yourself. Educate and Spread Knowledge.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
"Act like a Mobster, Think like a Don" -- Godfather II
Goto the Website: Godfather II Home
Islam's Prophet Muhammad was a Pedophile
"The collection of traditions of Muhammad that Muslims consider most reliable, Sahih Bukhari, affirms in no less than five places that Aisha was six when Muhammad took her and nine when he consummated the marriage (vol. 5, bk. 58, no. 234; vol. 5 bk. 58 no. 236; vol. 7 bk. 62 no. 64; vol. 7 bk. 62 no. 65; and vol. 7 bk. 62 no. 88). It is also in Sunan Abu Dawud (bk. 41 no. 4915), another of the Sahih Sittah, the six hadith collections Muslims accept as most reliable."
When you give your life for someone with such great character, it makes you wonder about all those who wish to revere a person with such morals and values. Remember Muhammad is the person that would kill you if you did not follow him. Oh wait, no he just had the people following him do it. You know... those Jihadists.
Duke Basketball 2008-2009
Tesla Model S - A *REAL* Electric Car

Tesla Motors has done it. They have created an electric car that is affordable, attractive, and FAST! The Tesla Model S is a breakthrough in science! My whole thing with electric cars was they were not attractive, nor affordable, nor very fast. Tesla actually has been doing very well with electric cars with their roadster model which has been out for awhile and been selling well according to their website. The Tesla Roadster is a sharp looking electric car which did 0-60 in under 4 seconds. The only thing was the $100,000 price tag, which is not affordable to your average buyer. It really looks neat almost kind of like a Lotus.

The Roadster may be great for some but now the Model S has now been developed. This is a very exciting development. I would actually purchase this car! It will not be available until 2012, but it only costs $50,000!!!! This is the average price for any decent car these days. And with all the government incentives(7500 from the federal government) it really becomes truely affordable. Finally an electric car that is affordable. Now not only is this car affordable it is fast! This sedan can go from 0-60 in <6 seconds! This is faster than most gasoline cars! It also can compare to the range of a gasoline powered car. If you have ever noticed you can go 300-400 miles on your tank of gas no matter what size of vehicle you have. Now, is this by design? Hmmm... but anyway, the Tesla Model S has a range around 300 miles, with a quick charge ability of 45 minutes. To top all these great stats, this car actually looks GOOD!

So take a look at all these cars at their website:
Telsa Motors
Sunday, March 15, 2009
The Obama Deception : Alex Jones' Documentary
The Obama Deception on Google Video
Letter to the House Financial Services Committee about HR 833
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Gun Safety - Woke Up This Morning and Got Myself a Gun!
Paul Michael Owens is not responsible for your actions with a firearm, always practice gun safety.
#1. Treat guns as if they are always loaded.
#2. Teach kids not to play with guns.
#3. Teach kids that guns are tools.
#4. Keep all firearms secured.
I sold guns legally for two years and my experience is that there are a lot of people scared of guns. There were people who knew they needed a gun for protection and were afraid to hold a gun in their hand. It is unfortunate that we need our wonderful law enforcement teams, but the fact is we do need them. In light of this stanglehold on the economy which is directly caused by every action of the Federal Reserve and the Rich Elite, we need to have our own guns for protection. You have a right to protect yourself, and it is one you should be exercising that right in these tight times. If you can remember history, The Great Depression held times of Gangsters and the Rich Elite. Ever since then the Rich Elite have been trying to strengthen and FURTHER their position in telling you that you are living a good life with one house and one car and some food in your fridge and for some that is all they need. Meanwhile, while you work your life for these things, they have four or five cars, three and four houses, and demanding our military to shuttle them around as well as their family. Look, stop being distracted by these trivial matters. Yes it is important to know that your government is abusing you the taxpayer, so start electing officials that will hold true to their word. Also, get your budget in order, and afford yourselves some protection. Even though the FBI reports that crime is down in 2008, I think that crime will steadily increase over the next few years. There is no economic saviour, nor economic solution other than job creation. Globalization is a fact, and that is exactly what we are experiencing now with this extreme job loss. You are not going to get around globalization, so you better get educated. People still need to be managed, and this is not a talent that is endowed to everybody. So the better you know a particular subject the more valuable you become, and you must do this by education. Pick your field and go with it. Get your gun, and know how to use it. You are going to have to protect yourself and your interests in the immediate future. I recommend the following tools if you are unsure:
For Immediate Individual Protection:
[Full View Unconcealed Protection]
Glock G21 .45ACP 13rd w/ Night Sights: 13 rounds of .45 caliber bullets should hold you enough time to keep a bear away to get back to your vehicle to call for backup for the gang headquarters you just exposed.
[Concealed Protection]
Smith and Wesson 325 .45ACP Night Guard: 6 rounds of potent power when your primary is out, or gets knocked away. Sometimes it pays to have a backup best friend. And sometimes it pays to have this is a private primary best friend. The .45ACP round will do serious damage with one shot.
For Home Protection:
[Home Protection - Handgun]
Smith and Wesson 325 .45ACP Thunder Ranch: 6 Rounds with the added accuracy of a 4" barrel and the option of adding extra visionary optics to assist in the targeting of the culprit. A revolver will always be there for you, especially when security is paramount.
[Home Protection - Rifle]
Olympic Arms K68 : This COST EFFECTIVE AMERICAN MADE tool will provide accuracy and knockdown power. The most effective bullet at 200 yards is the 6.8mm. This barrel is 16", and I thought the legal limit was 16.5", but I suppose that a manufacturer would know what they are doing. The collapsable stock and removed carry handle can make this tool versatile. The more rounds in a magazine the better. 20 or 30 is a great number for this caliber, but watch out for bigger number rounds capacities(40+) because logistics can bog you down.

[Home Protection - Shotgun]
Browning BPS Upland Special 16 Gauge is a great quality shotgun. This is almost the perfect gauge for anyone to use. A little more knockdown and power than a 20 gauge, and not quite the punch of a 12 gauge. That shotgun sound when you chamber a shell is all you need to frighten that home invader, but it is always good to be ready with some 00 Buckshot.

Remember always keep your firearms secure. Teach children to respect firearms. You would not give your 4 year old a circular saw to play with, would you?